The dedicated module determines flake size from 1 to 8 as per ASTM, JIS, and BIS & ISO standards. The type distribution percentage A, B, C, D, E is calculated interactive tools.
Flakes per square mm is also calculated simultaneously.
Percentage of pearlite, ferrite, graphite and carbide is calculated from Etched sample automatically with predefined values.
Zoom in/out
Zoomed preview
Rotation at 90, 180,270 or custom
Image flipping; horizontal or vertical axis
Intensity histogram.
Image Information
Redo/Undo on all operations.
Image Processing
Background subtraction and contrast enhancement of color or grayscale images.
High Boost, High Spatial, Low Pass Spatial, Ranking (Max, Med, Min), Point detection, Line detection, Homogeneity.
Centroid X, Centroid Y, Major X1, Major Y1, Minor X1, Minor Y1, Major X2, Major Y, Major X2, Minor Y2, Box X1, Box X2, Box Y, Box Y2 & Box Area.
SG Iron Analysis
The module automatically analyzed & calculate Nodulins/Non Nodulins percentage. Determine its class and number from 1 to 8 as per ASTM, JIS, BIS & ISO standard s, Nodules per square mm is also on Etched sample it reported.
Determine percentage of pearlite, graphite, ferrite and carbide.
Three options: Direct printout with original image processed Image & Tabular results.
Export to MS Office or Excel for further modification.